Monday, April 22, 2013

Welcome to +Earth Day everyone! It is a wonderful day at SF Pink. We are having the most amazing weather and our staff is buzzing around making sure that you have the best possible adult experience on the Web!

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the people that were affected at the +The Boston Marathon. this event was so shocking and appalling to us at SF Pink. We Have to applaud the +Boston Police+FEDERAL BUREAU, and the other law enforcement agencies that brought these terrible people to justice. We hope that the +City of Boston can start the healing process.

We are currently researching organizations or groups to make donations to from this tragedy. If you have some ideas we would love to hear from you.

SF Pink had changed over 750 items in the last few days. Your feedback is so important to us and we listen. From your feedback we have made these changes.

We know that value for your adult products is very important in your shopping decision. We carefully shop and monitor pricing on over 50 different sites. We review , +Adam Eve+eBay, and others. Our goal is to provide you with pricing that makes SF Pink the clear choice for your adult needs. Check us out and of coarse we love to hear from you.

Are you currently writing reviews of adult products? Would you like to? Either way we would love to hear from you. Sharing un bias reviews of products is something we love at SF Pink. If you can help we would love to chat. Drop us a not at

Have a great day everyone and make sure you have you Pink On!
+SF Pink

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