Saturday, June 28, 2014

Hello everyone!

Hope your weekend is off to a wonderful start. We have been busy working on a lot of changes to SF Pink. We have added a lot of new products and we are now offering over 30,000 products on the site.

We are happy to announce that we are now able to ship internationally to all of our customers. SF Pink is now international! Thank you for all you feedback

It is a busy weekend for us here at SF Pink. We have +Gay Pride going on. It is an amazing weekend here in San Francisco. So much amazing energy and events that take place. We are so proud to be +SF Pink  and support this weekend.

We are busy putting together some new projects. We are expending some of our offerings and opportunities to our customers. We are adding a new pleasure party program that will give all of our friends a new way to show the love for +SF Pink

We are working on several print programs and are looking for +Bikini and Thong Models to highlight some of our products. If you might be interested in talking about this we would love to hear from you.

Are you looking to do a promotion on your blog or your site? We would love to hear from you and work on a cross promotion.

Do you have adult images or shots you would like to share? We have oodles of followers on our +Tumblr  page and the rest of our blogs. If we love it we would like to share.

Did you follow us on +Facebook we would love to see you

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