Thursday, February 28, 2013

Well the weekend is almost here! The wheels at SF Pink keep spinning. We are having so much fun and so excited for our current product lineup and some of the new items we will be listing shortly.

We wanted to let you know that we have a 10% discount coupon out for anything that you decide to purchase. No limitations or restrictions just 10% off. You can find the code at our Face Book page at While you are there we hope you will like us!

We were truly flattered today by one of our followers Mr. and Mrs. Kink. We were mentioned in their news letter and we are very happy to be there. They offer a lot of information and help share the word on lifestyle and issues that we all face. You can find the news letter at

One of our special friends at Sf Pink is Christina. Christina is a true lover of the world that is Pink. She has given us so much love and support. She is truly amazing. Her eye for design and detail is second to none. We hope that you will check her out and follow her at Twitter


We are putting finishing up some reviews and will get them to you shortly. have a Pink day. thank you for all the love and support!


SF Pink

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

We the day is moving along. Having a wonderful day at SF Pink. We continue to see so many new friends and traffic to our site is amazing! Thank you all! We continue to make changes, add new products, and offer many new reviews. Your help really makes our lives so exciting.

The pictures you share and the creativity you all posses is really mind blowing. Every single day we are amazed at what we see and how special it really is! Thank you all!

SF Pink is a full service adult site. We offer toys, videos, novelty items, clothing, lingerie, and shoes just to name a few. We want to be you one stop shop for all your adult needs. All of our orders are shipped to you quickly and discreetly. We hope that you will tell a friend about us and keep the pink wheels turning.

Looking for something fun? These shoes are really amazing. They offer a wonderful sexy look and are extremely comfortable. I Love them and love the way they wear. check them out and all of our other shoes today!

We have most sizes in stock!

Need a little spice to your bedroom apparel? Then this little teddy is for you. It has a great feel and is one size fits most. I think you will love the way it makes you look.

OK Girls here is a must have for you. I have to say that I had second thoughts before using this but after putting it on and wearing it. I know have five in my possession. You will love this to wear with anything. Check it out today!

Well thank you all for today! Hope you are all having as much fun as we are. Help us spread the word so we can all make the world Pink!


SF Pink

Hello everyone!

Welcome to Hump Day!

We made it half way through the week and hopefully smiles and tingles for everyone!

We love the human form at SF Pink.

We asked the question to many of our followers "What is your favorite body part?"

Of the 65 responses we received the responses are as follows:

82% Said Hair
11% Said Lips
5% Said Legs
2% Said Feet

What do you think?

Is there a question you would like us to ask our followers we would love to hear from you.

We will have some special product reviews latter in the day.

Be Pink everyone and enjoy Hump Day you deserve it!


SF Pink

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Welcome to the day everyone! It is Pink outside here at SF Pink and we are having loads of fun as usual. Hopefully all of you are enjoying the day.

We wanted to share some products with you that have caught our eye and tingled our hearts. All of them are in stock and ready for you to enjoy!

For starters the Jel Soft Luv beads. We are a huge fan of this product. Ok we know you are into or not into anal toys. If you love them then this is a must if you are not a fan then I would tell you to take another look and play. They have a great feel and with plenty of lube is able to hit just the right spot for us. Hopefully you can hit it there too! They come in several colors we have the link for the red. Take a look and play today!

So we all know of double dongs but who has really played. I was always surprised at the answers you get when you go around the room. We let me set the record straight. They are amazing and put you in a place that you have never been before. I love them by myself or with a partner. Anything that has two heads and 17 inches is a toy for me! I love a little texture and why I choose this one for play. I love the feel and the length. It allows you to maneuver it to where you want it. Take a look and try it. You must have at least one double in your toy check. Here is the link

Do you want a dildo that is going to get your attention when you take it out? The Manhandler is just that toy. It is a bit intimidating at first but once you start to play with your new best friend you will see why you will want to play with him more often. The grip is wonderful and he performs very well. Using him with a vibrating egg is my event of choice. Take a look at him and have fun!

Enjoy the day everyone and hope you love our reviews. If there is a product you would like us to look at please let us know. We would be happy to do it for you.

Questions? We love them and always do our best to answer and get back with you quickly.

Have a site or a blog and want to link or have us follow. Let us know we love to help and support all things that love Pink!


SF Pink

Monday, February 25, 2013

Welcome to the week everyone. We love this photo. Just thought we would start the week with a little Eye candy. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

There was a lot going on this weekend. I have to admit that behind the human form, adult toys, and shoes, Auto Racing is a serious fetish for me. Why you ask? I think it is the way it overloads the senses. The sight, sound, speed, and smell is just amazing. For me it just triggers so many thoughts and emotions. If you have never been to a live race it is a must see. So +Danica Patrick did an amazing job this weekend at the +Daytona International Speedway. We are so proud of her at SF Pink and wish her all the best for the upcoming session.

So the Academy Awards on last night I love to watch. +On The Red Carpet is always amazing for me. To see all the outfits and how everyone has put themselves together is just eye candy for me.I congratulate all the winners and all the people that worked so hard to get there. To rate the night I think they have a lot to look at today. I think next year will be an improvement.

We are working on adding new products and setting our reviews for the week. Is there one of our products you would like us to review for you? We would love to hear from you. We love the input! Have a great Monday everyone! Be Pink!

Sf Pink

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! We have been very busy at SF Pink. The girls and I split up a great number of new products to test and discuss for the site. Product testing is something that we take very seriously at SF Pink. We test everything we offer before it goes on the site. By doing this you can ensure the best quality and value for your purchase at SF Pink.

Some of our latest favorites are as follows:

Latex body wear is hot! If you have never played then you really are missing out. For the person wearing it is gives a wonderful feel and texture. For the person interacting with the latex the feeling is the same. It creates wonderful feel, smell, and sounds! Give a wonderful flair to your intimate time. We have hundreds of items available and they cover the full range of budget and imagination. One that we played with recently is our latex stockings. You can find it on SF Pink at They have a wonderful feel and offer a great look. A little side benefit was that you get much better traction during certain positions of making love. For something new and add a little spark try a little Latex!

We are always amazed at the amount of Rabbit vibrators that are on the market. This whole market took off after all the press from Sex In The City. We offer over 400 different ones on our site. So really there is a Rabbit for everyone. One that we played with and proud to offer is Pink Rabbit Pearl. It has a great feel, separate controller, and its Pink. What more can you ask for right! You have a lot of control with the pearl. Having the wired controller gives new meaning to two handed fun. We found that using the rabbit with one hand and having the controller in the other. The pearl gives you wonderful control so that you can hit and maintain those sensations. Our thoughts are the Pearl is a must have in your toy box! You can see it at
Hope you have a great weekend and thanks for all your love and support. So tickle your keyboard for a little tingle at SF Pink.
SF Pink
Face Book

Friday, February 22, 2013

Hello everyone! So sorry that we have been so quiet this week. It has been crazy at SF Pink.

We listened to your suggestions and we have made several new changes to the site. Some of the highlights are:

  • Top Sellers
  • Order Tracking
  • Pink Special of the day!
  • Improved Search
  • Pricing Adjustments
  • 650 new products!

We hope you love it and your feedback is always appreciated and we listen!

Do you want to swap links with us? We would love to hear from you and would be happy to do so. Drop us a note and look forward to hearing from you.

Would you like us to mention you or your business? We would love to hear from you. We are happy to share what you are doing and just how you are making the world Pink! Look forward to hearing from you.

Have you seen the Leaf line of personal products? We are know offering the full line and very excited on what they offer. Take a look they really are quite special.

We really appreciate all the love and supprt you give SF Pink. Keep it coming and we look forward to making the world Pink with you!
Have a great weekend everyone and we will have lots to share next week. Tell a friend about us we love referals!
Lots of Love
SF Pink
Face Book at

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Well just one day before Valentine's Day! We hope that you are ready and will enjoy the day of Love! It is a special day for us and nothing is better then sharing and receiving love!


SF Pink

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The week is flying by! Have you shared your love today? You are special so share just how special you are with the love ones around you!

Looking at the news I have to say seeing the Pope step down is bizarre! I wonder if joining Twitter opened his eyes to what people thing and what the world is doing. The Catholic Church will have their work cut out for them. It is interesting to watch.

Why SF Pink. We are asked this all the time through all of our feeds. To answer it we love the human form and we love offering products that allow you to explore and experience new feelings. Feeling amazing is one thing but feeling something new that makes you burst is even better. At SF Pink we love offering the products that will allow you to experiment and take yourself to a new level. This is why we do it and we hope that you will join us in your exploration!

We love getting your notes and images. Your feedback is so important to us. We enjoy what you share and will always check with you before we forward it on. If you want us to share a photo or story we are happy to do so. Drop us a note.

We love promoting other organizations and businesses that promote the adult lifestyle or deal with an issue that comes in the adult lifestyle. Please let us know we would love to Like you on Facebook, Follow you on Twitter or re blog your message. Share with us and we look forward to sharing your message!

As you all know we love the Lelo line at SF Pink! We hope that you will explore it and experience it for your self. The quality, features, and experience is amazing. They offer wonderful videos and each product is very well thought out. One of our favorites to play with is Soraya. You will want to meet and experience Soraya she will be your new best friend!

Have you ever tried a metal vibrator? It really is a wonderful experience. It provides a different feel and different sensation. On of our recent test was on this fun Vib

Thank you all for your love and support! Drop us a note or send us your videos and photo's we love them!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Hope everyone had a great weekend! Valentine's Day is so close we could almost taste it! Are you ready? Did you get your lover something special? If you don't have someone in your life then did you do something special for yourself? We hope that answer is yes to whatever is the best for you!

We are excited at SF Pink. We have been reviewing several new lines that we will hope to offer soon. We are putting together all the details and working to get them up on the site. Demand for our products has been amazing! We love you all for your support.

We have had so much fun working with our supporters and our vendors to offer you more at SF Pink. We hope that you will check out our Face Book Page for more details.

We are still giving away something special each and every day to one of our lucky customers. All you have to do is place an order. If you are the lucky one you will have something extra added to your order. Good luck and thanks for your support.

Have you met Christina? She is amazing! She is a great supporter of SF Pink and we love her work. She has some amazing photography and we hope that you will check her out. She is strong, sexy and wonderful. She just makes us Pink with envy!

Have a wonderful day everyone and thank you for all your love and support. Spread the word and lets all try to make the world Pink!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Just to add a little fun for the day. One lucky customer today will get a special gift from out Lelo Line included in their order. Cheers!
We ll the weekend is here Yeah! Valentine's day is right around the corner and we are all tickled pink at SF Pink. We are having so much fun and thank you for all your love and support.

What are your special plans for Valentine's Day? Are you going to have a romantic Dinner? Take your lover to a special night on the town? Maybe take a little trip. No matter what your plans spending time with your lover and sharing your love is what is the most important.

So what do you do if you don't have a lover? Then use the day to show your love to family or friends. For us Valentine's day is all about sharing your love. Spend the day showing the ones closest to you how much you love and appreciate them. I know that I can never do this enough.

We added 300 new items to SF Pink. So all of our items are in stock and ready to ship. We continue to test and evaluate products to ensure that we offer you the best and can get it to you quickly. Your feedback and comments are invaluable. We take your thoughts and suggestion with a lot of care. Our products shift based on your thoughts. You speak and we listen. So keep it coming

Did you like us on Facebook? We are excited to give away a Lelo Vibe to one of our lucky followers. Check us out at

Do you have a product or site you would like us to look and review. We would love to. We love spreading the word of our friends and followers. So drop us a note.

So there is still time to have that special gift delivered in time. The clock is ticking so check out o find that item to tickle your fancy.


SF Pink

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Did you get your pink on today?
Well we are half way through the week. It seems that this year is already starting to fly by. We are off to a great start at SF Pink and are so proud of the products we have available. Lelo is by far our best line. We love Lelo and are so proud to be a part of their family.

Valentine's day is getting close. Hopefully you have found your lover the perfect gift to show and share your love! There is still time if you have not. We can still get you what you need or maybe help some of the thought process along.

We were asked the questions and started the discussion. Do you go natural, trim, or completely shave? This is for both boys and girls. Yes girls more and more boys are doing a bit of manscaping. Would love to hear. We are mixed but the one thing we agree on is we all perform attention to our love area.

We were playing with some of our Glass toys and tried to go through and see if we could pick a few favorites. Glass dildo's are amazing if you have never played with one before. It is such a different feeling, you can apply more pressure and we have so much fun with them. One in particular I am fond of is Twistful Pleasure glass. I love the shape and the feel. For me straight ones just don't do it for me. I need a few curves to hit the right spot. We have many glass toys for you to choose from. If you are looking for something to add to your collection choose a glass you will be happy you did!

Thank you for helping us make the world Pink! We love your questions and feedback. Please check us out on Face Book @ Don't forget out Lelo giveaway. the details are on our Facebook Page!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Here is a question for you!

What have you done today for yourself?

Did you love yourself the way that you love others?
So how often do you double click your mouse in a week?
Welcome to the week everyone!

The +Super Bowl is behind us and congratulations to the +Baltimore Ravens and the +San Francisco 49ers for am amazing game! It was amazing to watch and Wow sure a lot of fun with friends and family. The commercials were less than I expected. Some were funny but for the most part felt that they were a little off par for the year. The +Go Daddy was interesting and I think it set a great message. I did like the +Kia Motors Worldwide commercials and the Bud. Can't wait till next year and the +Super Bowl and the +Super Bowl commercials are always a favorite!

Valentine's day is just around the corner. Are you ready? Did you get your lover that special gift that shows them how much you care and love them? We love Valentine's Day! We have so much fun offering wonderful, sexy products to all our fans.

I wore this amazing thong over the weekend and gave the remote to one of my girlfriends to see how she could torture me.

After about three organisms I needed to get the remote back from her. It was am amazing product demo. The game we played was to see if she could tell that I turned it on. She surprised me each and every time. She would tease me a bit. Work me up, leave me hanging and them bring me to climax. I have to say that this was the first time I climaxed at an +Bank of America ATM, an escalator, and sitting in a bar. Thank you for an amazing experience. Nothing more fun than experimenting with a new product. The next time we go out we are all going to wear them and play swap with the remotes. So Much Fun!

If you are looking for that special gift we have an amazing selection of items that you are looking for or maybe stimulate new thoughts of gift to share with your lover or to treat yourself.

Thank you for all your love and support and for Making SF Pink what it is today!

Don't forget our Lelo Vib giveaway on our Facebook page. We can't wait to send the lucky winner this amazing product!


SF Pink