Thursday, January 31, 2013

Welcome to Thursday everyone! Hope you have had a great week and are getting ready for the weekend. SF Pink is buzzing with excitement and we are so looking forward to the +Super Bowl and Valentines Day. Our staff has been working so hard to make sure that we get all of our orders delivered and that we have stock on hand to supply. They are amazing!

Thanks for the email Jennifer and so glad that we were able to help you. Jennifer was looking for some of our lingerie selections in sizes that we didn't have on the site. We were able to get what she wanted and get them shipped out. Enjoy the Satin and lace and hope you and your lover have a great time with it.

I get the question a lot about the whole BDSM toys and lifestyle. What is it all about and why would someone want to do that. I will really respond doing what? It is a lot of fun to have with a partner. Either gaining control or loosing control sets your senses into orbit. I love our Fetish chair!

It is an easy way to tie up your lover and get them in different positions. You can really go mild to wild with this product and it will put a fun spin to exploration with your lover.

It is all about exploration and experiencing different sensations. If you don't try you will never experience. Some thing as simple as a blind fold to something more extreme. Let yourself go and let your senses fill you with new feelings. That why we love our BDSM items and why our customer love them so much.

Thanks for all the emails on our Lelo give away. we are excited to do it and look forward to doing more of it. Make sure you tell a friend and Like us today. We would love to give you this amazing Vibrator from Lelo!

Hope you all have a great day!

SF Pink!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hello Everyone!

Hope your week is going well and you are having lots of Pink in your life. Why Pink? Well Pink is a color that makes you happy and cozy. Throw in SF and you have SF Pink which is a fun and cozy adult product site for you to peruse. San Francisco is electric this week as you can imagine. The +San Francisco 49ers are heading to the +Super Bowl. We are looking forward to the weekend and enjoying the game. It should be amazing and nothing would be better than the +San Francisco 49ers  beating the +Baltimore Ravens. Either way watching the Super Bowl is a wonderful thing and always a great time with friends and family.

We are busy getting ready for Valentine's day. It is really one of our funnest days of the year. We have ramped up our supply to ensure that we have all of our amazing products available for you! We have worked with our suppliers to offer some additional incentives so we were able to lower the price's on most of our items. So we are stocked and ready! Here are some of the highlights!

A complete assortment of the Lelo line for you to Play!

One of the Biggest Toy and Video Selections available!

All New BDSM equipment for you to tease your way through

New Rabbit Vibratos to check out

Our new shoe line is amazing

Amazing selection and sizes of Lingerie for you to see

Really we are so proud of our more than 10,000 products to choose from we know that you will find just the right item for you or for you to share with your Lover!

We had the pleasure to share with Leyah. She is the ambassador for the Body Confidence Revolution. She is doing an amazing job bringing awareness to this important issue. We share her thoughts at SF Pink. The human form is beautiful! It is in all shapes and sizes. Learning to love yourself and cherish your life is the most important thing. We feel the same at SF Pink and that why we offer size items in as many as we possibly can. If there is a size that you need that we don't offer we will do our best to track it down for you. We love Leyah at SF Pink and look forward to seeing her progress.We hope that you will check our her Blog and support her in any way you can. Her Blog can be found at

We are running a Facebook Like promotion to spread the word! When we hit 750 likes we will give away a Lelo Vibrator or choose a credit for anything on SF Pink's website. We will randomly pick the winner and notify them on our Facebook page! So spread the word and come and like us!

Here is this amazing product from Lelo valued at $129 so tell a friend!

Check it out

Thank you all for all your love and support! We hope you love Pink as much as we do and keep those questions and comments coming!
SF Pink

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

We here we are sneaking through the week. I can say that I am fully recovered from the weekend and feeling great! The wine country is an amazing place and we are so lucky to be able to enjoy it in such a short drive. We are off to a great start this week at SF Pink. We continue to work through our challenges and constantly test all the products we offer to you. The quality of product that we offer is very important to us. Your feedback is a key part to what makes it and what stays on our site.

The question came up on which Rabbit Vibrator to you choose?

This is a great question. Once you start looking you realize just how many styles, features, sizes and price ranges there are to choose. We should know we have over 400 different ones in stock all the time. So what is the best? There are a few questions that you might want to ask. The size? What size makes you the most comfortable in the toy you are choosing? Do you want battery or do you want a rechargeable. There both great it is a choice. Do you want a water proof one? If you have not played with one in the tub or in the water you need to add that to your bucket list. It is amazing. Then there is price. You can spend anywhere from $35-$160 dollars on a Rabbit vibrator. The nice part is one you answer these questions it cuts the list down to a handful for you to choose. Hope this helps and thank you for the question.

Are you getting ready for Valentine’s Day? If you want to score points with your lover make sure you have this done lone before the day. Look at a new toy, some sexy lingerie, maybe some BDSM toys to play with, some sexy shoes, or a video. No matter what you are looking for we have an amazing selection that will help ensure you have a memorable Valentine’s Day!

Thanks for taking the time to review my rants and raves. We hope you are having a great week and we thank you for choosing SF Pink for your adult needs. We inspected and added over 200 items this week and we are excited with the new choices. Also check us out on Twitter at @sfpinkcom or Face Book We would love you to follow us or like us.

Keep your questions coming and as always thank you for all the product reviews you supply us!

Have a great day and a sexy night!


SF Pink

Monday, January 28, 2013

Well after my Blog on Friday I took my own advise. I called a couple of girl friends and decided to take a little road trip up to the Napa area for the weekend. I got so excited and the timing was perfect. What can be more fun that 4 girls sneaking away for the weekend. So Jill, Lisa, Jennifer and myself started at San Francisco International Airport and made the drive to Napa. Why at the airport you ask? Well Lisa flew in from LA. We were all set, full tank of gas, +American Express cards, a duffel bag of +SF Pink samples, and the cutest +Prada sunglasses. Off we went! Traffic was light and the girls were having a blast. We had the radio blaring and singing to crazy songs that we all enjoyed. We had reservations at +Bardessono and could not be more thrilled. Jill asked about the +SF Pink  duffel bag and cracked it open and started passing things around before we could get across the Golden Gate Bride. She is always so funny that way. So we were on our way the music blaring and four woman checking out the selection from our samples at +SF Pink . It was hilarious!

After we checked in and got settled and planned our attack! The rooms are amazing and Lisa and I were sharing a room and Jennifer and Jill shared the other. The Hotel is hooked up with +Lexus USA and wow I can sure see why. We relaxed for a bit and headed to dinner at the +Lucy Restaurant & Bar. the food and the drinks were amazing. It was a dinner to remember!

We were off in the morning to sample some of our favorite wines and take in the local flavor. First stop was Page Wine Cellars, then off to Hill Family Estate and finishing up at +Domaine Chandon. You always have to finish with a little Champagne! It was so much fun. After feeling warm, cozy, and a little bubbly we raced back to the hotel to finish the day at a Spa appointment. Jennifer and I had the hot stone, Jill and Lisa went for the Bardessono massage. It was 90 minutes of bliss! the staff here is amazing and there is nothing better than a great day of wine tasting and finishing with a massage.

After our time at the Spa we headed back to our rooms. We ordered from Room Service and sat and had a snack and a glass of wine before dinner. Jill went for the +SF Pink duffel bag again! Jill is too funny. So we talked, drank wine, and passed around the latest toys. It was so much fun and spending time with the girls is always the best!

We had dinner again at the Hotel. Saturday night was even better than the night before. We sat and drank wine till they closed the restaurant. We called it a night with each with a full glass of wine. When we got back to the room I noticed that my +SF Pink  duffel bag was a bit lighter than I remember. Lisa was giggling and said they were all guilty for doing some product testing for me. LOL. Lisa wanted to take a bath and I grabbed my I-Pad to take a look at a few things. Lisa sure took a while but with a big smile ear to ear and the water proof rabbit missing I understand why. She sure had a nice glow. Not sure if it was the wine or the Rabbit or both.

Sunday an amazing breakfast. We were all so refreshed and smiles and giggles. I always have so much fun with the girls.We got on the road early to make sure Lisa made her flight. It was really a weekend to remember and something that all of us needed. I'm not sure who took what out of the +SF Pink duffel bag but I am sure that Lisa will have a bit of explaining to do when she goes through the Security check point with her carry on. LOL

It was a great weekend and so much fun. I love the girls, love living life and Love +SF Pink. Hope you have a great Day and how was your weekend?

+SF Pink

Let make the world Pink one day at a time!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hello everyone! Hope you are having an amazing weekend. We enjoyed a special time in the wine country and will have all the details to share on Monday!. Have a wonderful day!

SF Pink

Friday, January 25, 2013

Welcome to Friday everyone! Glad we all made it and the weekend is upon us. It is cold and rainy here in San Francisco but we are staying inside and keeping cozy! We are so excited to all the new lines we have launched this week on our site. Our buyers have put together some amazing products for you to enjoy. Our new shoes are fabulous and sexy! I have to say that they are also very comfortable. I have been wearing and walking in them most of the week. I was very pleased and surprised. Also helps when you catch people checking both you and your shoes. I can say that my shoe collection grew this week. Need to put a couple of minuses on the inventory report. LOL
So what are your plans for the weekend? You going to take your lover to a special spot? Take a drive and stay the weekend in a cute little Bed and Breakfast? Go out and try a new restaurant? Fun and new ideas are always a lot of fun. I love to explore and we are so blessed to have so many amazing locations just a car ride away. For me I love to go to Lake Tahoe and just take it in or drive along the coast and see where it takes us. Sneaking to the wine country is always a lot of fun and sneaking to  +Napa Valley Marriott Hotel & Spa or +Sonoma Coast Villa & Spa is a treat. So what are your plans? How will you enjoy the weekend? Remember this is the one to do it since the +Super Bowl is next weekend. Yes we are +SF 49Ers fans. We are here in San Francisco and yes we want them to win very badly. I can say that I just love the Super Bowl. It is a lot of fun! I put on a Pink Jersey and spend the day with a lot of friends. Great food, great friends and a great time that what it is all about.
We were sure having fun playing with the wigs on our site this week. I love wigs but always seem to forget about them when I am planning a sexy evening. I love the way it can transform my look into something completely new. It adds a spice that is quick and easy to do. Take a look at some of them and try them for your next time you want something a little different.
I wanted to thank +Alia Janine and Trinity StClair for connecting with us on Twitter. We love your movies and love them on SF Pink. It is great to connect with you and we look forward to your upcoming work hitting the market. You are both so hot and you always keep my eyes to the screen!
Have a great weekend everyone. Thanks for checking out our Blog. Heep your reviews and thoughts coming we love them. Remember lets try to make the world Pink just one shade at a time!

SF Pink

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Here we are and its Thursday. Wow this week is flying by and the weekend is almost here. It has been an amazing week for us at SF Pink. We have made a lot of new friends, shipped out an amazing amount of product and had a lot of fun in the process. Nothing like a little rain outside, warm tea on my desk, and amazing products to review and play.
We are having a lot of fun at SF Pink and we hope that you will not only have fun with us but share us with your friends. We love new friends.

The question I get a lot is how do you choose the perfect toy?

The best answer is experimentation. In our office this is a topic that is discussed daily. What is great for me is not the best for Lisa. I also find that my thoughts, mood, and time during the month determine really how my body reacts to playing with different toys. I do have some favorites but I think what is the best for me is variety. I love to try new things and the sensations that they give. I can say that I have tossed toys in the trash and never used them again. Those don't make the site at SF Pink. I also have different preferences when I am using toys with myself or if it with a partner. I can say that with a partner it is a much different experience. The consensus at the office is spice it up and have a little variety. Use them and explore and enjoy your toys and your body. It is much more fun that way.

We are having a great time on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter. We love meeting you, responding to your thoughts, and exploring your worlds. It is great fun for us and we hope that you see the difference come through in SF Pink. We hope that you will search us out and interact with us. We have amazing experience in the Adult industry and hope you will tap into our knowledge and ideas.

We hope that you are having a wonderful week and please keep sharing your thoughts and desires we love to hear from you!

SF Pink

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hello from SF Pink! It is a cold and rainy day here in San Francisco. We have the 49ers getting ready for the Super Bowl and Apple sells almost 48 million I-Phones. What an interesting day here in San Francisco. Life is amazing and we are sure having fun trying to make the world Pink! I thank you all for your love and support in choosing for your adult purchases. We spend an amazing amount of time testing, reviewing and changing our inventory. All of the products we have on the site are in stock and ready to ship. This is very important to us and we strive to get you your items as quickly as possible. There are so many amazing products we offer and so many that will be joining SF Pink. Your feedback is wonderful and thanks you all for your input. Without you we would not be here. We love you all and we are so thankful that you choose us and we are so happy to work so hard to support you.

As we were sitting in the office and chatting the topic came up on which celebrity uses which sex toy. This conversation started with a smile and at the end had us all in giggles. Names that were thrown out ranged from Paris Hilton, the Kardashian sisters, Hilary Clinton, Beyonce, and some of the key players that will be playing in the Super Bowl. As you can see from this partial list you can understand why we were in giggles. So what do you think? What would be your choice for who uses what in SF Pink? Hopefully we can either bring a smile or make you giggle thinking about it.

Thank you all for your support and we thank you for choosing SF Pink. We would love to hear from you and if there are articles or pictures you would love to send us we love reviewing them. We love product reviews! If you love of hate an item let us know. You thoughts and wishes really do make a difference.

Have a wonderful day, stay warm, stay out of the snow and rain and hopefully the next time you want a little fun you will come to to fill your toy box!


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Welcome to Tuesday! Hope your week is starting off well and that you are planning for a fun Weekend. We have had a great start here at SP Pink and thank you all for the love and help you have given us. All of our 10,000 items are in stock and we scan the shelves to ensure that this is the case. We always respect your privacy and all of your items are shipped to you discreetly. No one will know that your new Toys, videos, or items have arrived. Are you planning a Bachelor or Bachelorette party? We have 100’s of items that will bring a smile to your face and make it a party to remember. We are contently adding to our site and continue to build material for you to enjoy on out Twitter page @sfpinkcom and Face book Page We hope you will check us out and Like us! We love feedback and love the adult lifestyle. If you would like to exchange a banner with us or would like to link to us or have us link to you please let us know. We love to share the word and enjoy our partners in crime so to speak. Drop us a note at

Do you ever wonder who uses sex toys and what their favorite one is? I often think about this and try to guess. When I am killing some time or taking a break it is always fun to imagine what their toy of choice would be. I find myself thinking about this quite a bit. I guess that’s why I run SF Pink! LOL. So sitting at Starbucks today I find myself thinking who plays with what. I see a guy in a suite and he is checking his Blackberry while waiting. I think he would use a Clear Silicon Ring. Just looks like he is wound up a bit and could use a little help. Next there is this cute woman in her twenties. She is very well put together and love her nails. I see her playing with a Rabbit and defiantly the waterproof rechargeable.

I love thinking about this and hopefully you will do the same. As you browse our site hopefully we give you new ideas to pin on the people around you. A favorite of mine is what sort of BDSM equipment would they use or what Fetish they are into. So next time you are people watching and killing some time try this to see if you can build that inner smile with a little tingle!

Thanks for talking the time to look at us today and we look forward to seeing you at SF Pink!


Monday, January 21, 2013

Hello Everyone

The question was asked of me over the weekend on what is your favorite toy and how do you choose? Do you go with Latex, Plastic, Metal or glass? This is a great question and let me do my best to try to answer it.

My favorite toy is always changing just like my thoughts and my mood. I love to try different toys and try different things. Exploration is the key for me. I love variety and love introducing different experiences to my intimate time. Sometime I love it slow and easy and other times I want to blow my mind. Sometimes my partner will choose and a lot has to do with the selection and the way it is used. So to try to get back to the question I think the base way to answer it is to cherish the time you have with the toys you use and don’t be afraid to try new things.

Thanks for the great question and make sure that you check us out at

We love questions and love to chat. Follow us on twitter at @sfpinkcom or Facebook at

Friday, January 18, 2013

Welcome to SF Pink. We are happy to have you here and hope to share our thoughts. What is SF Pink? SF Pink is a website that was created in 2012. It is a site that offers premier adult products. We currently house over 10,000 different products ranging from the mild to the wild. We are extremely careful on what we offer and are always rotating our selections to offer you the best products that are on the market. So what do we carry? Well anything that will enhance your adult experience. We currently offer Toys, Videos, Shoes, Novelties, games, supplies, and party supplies. How do we choose what we offer? We look at each product and evaluate that it will be a great fit for SF Pink. Our goal is to ensure that we have all of the items in stock and that we can get them to you right away. We ship all of our items to you in plain packaging. We want to ensure that you privacy maintained.

So why SF Pink? Well we have a love of adult products and the people that use them. We have a passion for the human form in all shapes and sizes. Life is short and you can never have enough fun. Adult toys are a lot of fun. They are part of our intimate activities and part of our relationship. We hope that we can provide additional ideas and thoughts to help trigger that passion!

We love stories, pictures, and ideas. We hope that you will share with us and we look forward to sharing with you. Cheers!

With much more to come we thank you for taking the time to look at our Blog and hopefully our website

Follow us on Twitter at sfpinkcom

Follow us on Facebook