Monday, January 28, 2013

Well after my Blog on Friday I took my own advise. I called a couple of girl friends and decided to take a little road trip up to the Napa area for the weekend. I got so excited and the timing was perfect. What can be more fun that 4 girls sneaking away for the weekend. So Jill, Lisa, Jennifer and myself started at San Francisco International Airport and made the drive to Napa. Why at the airport you ask? Well Lisa flew in from LA. We were all set, full tank of gas, +American Express cards, a duffel bag of +SF Pink samples, and the cutest +Prada sunglasses. Off we went! Traffic was light and the girls were having a blast. We had the radio blaring and singing to crazy songs that we all enjoyed. We had reservations at +Bardessono and could not be more thrilled. Jill asked about the +SF Pink  duffel bag and cracked it open and started passing things around before we could get across the Golden Gate Bride. She is always so funny that way. So we were on our way the music blaring and four woman checking out the selection from our samples at +SF Pink . It was hilarious!

After we checked in and got settled and planned our attack! The rooms are amazing and Lisa and I were sharing a room and Jennifer and Jill shared the other. The Hotel is hooked up with +Lexus USA and wow I can sure see why. We relaxed for a bit and headed to dinner at the +Lucy Restaurant & Bar. the food and the drinks were amazing. It was a dinner to remember!

We were off in the morning to sample some of our favorite wines and take in the local flavor. First stop was Page Wine Cellars, then off to Hill Family Estate and finishing up at +Domaine Chandon. You always have to finish with a little Champagne! It was so much fun. After feeling warm, cozy, and a little bubbly we raced back to the hotel to finish the day at a Spa appointment. Jennifer and I had the hot stone, Jill and Lisa went for the Bardessono massage. It was 90 minutes of bliss! the staff here is amazing and there is nothing better than a great day of wine tasting and finishing with a massage.

After our time at the Spa we headed back to our rooms. We ordered from Room Service and sat and had a snack and a glass of wine before dinner. Jill went for the +SF Pink duffel bag again! Jill is too funny. So we talked, drank wine, and passed around the latest toys. It was so much fun and spending time with the girls is always the best!

We had dinner again at the Hotel. Saturday night was even better than the night before. We sat and drank wine till they closed the restaurant. We called it a night with each with a full glass of wine. When we got back to the room I noticed that my +SF Pink  duffel bag was a bit lighter than I remember. Lisa was giggling and said they were all guilty for doing some product testing for me. LOL. Lisa wanted to take a bath and I grabbed my I-Pad to take a look at a few things. Lisa sure took a while but with a big smile ear to ear and the water proof rabbit missing I understand why. She sure had a nice glow. Not sure if it was the wine or the Rabbit or both.

Sunday an amazing breakfast. We were all so refreshed and smiles and giggles. I always have so much fun with the girls.We got on the road early to make sure Lisa made her flight. It was really a weekend to remember and something that all of us needed. I'm not sure who took what out of the +SF Pink duffel bag but I am sure that Lisa will have a bit of explaining to do when she goes through the Security check point with her carry on. LOL

It was a great weekend and so much fun. I love the girls, love living life and Love +SF Pink. Hope you have a great Day and how was your weekend?

+SF Pink

Let make the world Pink one day at a time!

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